
From The SpiritWiki

Purification refers to the process of bringing the body, mind, and environment into Alignment with Highest Self. Purification involves the establishment of Right Thought, Right Action, and Right Environment.[1]. Purification leads to Perfection, higher CQ, and more permanent Connection.

Syncretic Terms

Alignment > Asha, Brahmacharya, Conversion Experience, Divine Perfection, Ethical Perfection, Eudaimonia, Gonennoncwal, Heavenly Marriage, Holiness, Ka'nikonhrÌ:io, Ondinoc, Perfect Connection, Perfection, Purification, Purity, Rectitude, Renunciation, Repentence, Righteousness, Samyaktva, Sane Living, Tahdhīb al-akhlāq, Taubah

Related Terms

Purification >


"The notion of 'purity' and 'purification' is one of the commonest and most characteristic ideas in Orphic literature;"[2]

In Orphic literature, purity included "a particular mode of life" (i.e. Right Environment and Right Action, such as not partaking of animal food. Note, according to Adam, in the Orphic mysteries, we strive for the purity of the soul. On the LP we would say the soul is pure enough, being above the disruption, disease, and corruption of blindfolded existence, and that "purification" really refers to the alignment of the Spiritual Ego with Bodily Ego so as to enable strong and pure Connection.


  1. For more on this see Sosteric, Mike & Ratkovic,l Gina, Lightning Path Workbook Three - Connection. Vol. 3. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2017. https://press.lightningpath.org/product/the-lightning-path-book-three-connection/.
  2. Adam, James. The Religious Teachers of Greece. Gifford Lectures. New Jersey: Reference Book Publishers, 1965. https://www.giffordlectures.org/books/religious-teachers-greece.