External Resistance

From The SpiritWiki

'External Resistance is resistance you experience from friends, families, and others who resist being challenged, resist new ideas, and resist your Healing and Reconnection efforts.[1]

Related LP Terms

External Resistance > Internal Resistance

Non-LP Related Terms

External Resistance > Chakras


"For example, if you grew up in Catholic home and you start to challenge the idea that hitting your children is a good thing, you may get strong resistance and push back. Maybe you will be shamed and ridiculed. Maybe you will be told to go read the bible. In some cases, in families where interpersonal violence is the norm, you might even be physically harmed. If that happens, if, when you question or challenge an idea you are met with forms of resistance and push back, that is a good indication that your dealing with some sort of ideology."[2]

One of the goals of healthy human Development is awakening and activation of the Physical Unit. However, because individuals gain personal, political, and economic benefit from the exploitation of deactivated and disempowered physical units, conscious and unconscious effort is applied to preventing individuals from awakening and activating. External Resistance is resistance directed at you from external sources like families, friends, coworkers, and even the media and Hollywood.


  1. Lightning Path Workbook Two: Healing. Lightning Path Press. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lp-workbooks-and-91290808
  2. Sosteric, Mike, and Gina Ratkovic. Lightning Path Workbook Two - Healing. Vol. 2. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2017. https://www.lightningpath.org/lp-workbooks/.