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'''Economic Violence''': Economic violence is violence perpetrated against individuals for the purpose of causing economic harm. Corporate CEOs who inflate prices, government officials and banks who raise interest rates, employers who economically exploit their employees, and abusive spouses who use money as a means of controlling are all engage in economic     
'''Economic Violence''': Economic violence is violence perpetrated against individuals for the purpose of causing economic harm. Corporate CEOs who inflate prices, government officials and banks who raise interest rates, employers who economically exploit their employees, and abusive spouses who use money as a means of controlling are all engage in economic     
'''Neuronal Violence:''' Neuronal violence is violence that alters the neurological and chemical pathways and functions of the brain in a direction that undermines full development.<ref>Han, Byung-Chul. ''The Burnout Society''. Translated by Erik Butler. Stanford: Stanford Briefs, 2015.</ref>   

'''Spiritual Violence:''' Spiritual violence is violence suppresses Consciousness and diminishes [[Connection]]. Spiritual violence includes anything that damages the body and the bodily ego and that makes the bodily ego fear and avoid [[Connection]] and [[Connection Experience]]. Spiritual violence is applied primarily through the violent, exclusionary,  and fear based [[Existential Paradigms]] proffered by the [[Accumulating Class]].   
'''Spiritual Violence:''' Spiritual violence is violence suppresses Consciousness and diminishes [[Connection]]. Spiritual violence includes anything that damages the body and the bodily ego and that makes the bodily ego fear and avoid [[Connection]] and [[Connection Experience]]. Spiritual violence is applied primarily through the violent, exclusionary,  and fear based [[Existential Paradigms]] proffered by the [[Accumulating Class]].   

Revision as of 13:41, 7 February 2025

Violence is any physical, psychological, emotional, institutional, or spiritual act that leads to the physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and spiritual diminishment of the subject.[1] Alternatively, violence is anything that undermines satisfaction of the Seven Essential Needs of the Physical Unit. Violence may be negative or positive, direct or indirect. Negative Violence is violence that diminishes as a consequence of pain and suffering. Positive Violence is violence that diminishes as a consequence of pleasure and reward.[2]

Elements of Toxic Socialization

Toxic Socialization > Chaos, Destruction of Attachments, Indoctrination, Neglect, Parentification, Violence

Broad Types

Positive Violence version Negative Violence.

Personal/Direct versus Indirect/Structural

Related LP Terms

Violence > Actual Realization, Authority, Boundary Violation, Full Realization, Human Flourishing, Indoctrination, Potential Realization, Psychic Wound, Systemic Violence, Trauma-Focused Therapy

Non-LP Related Terms

Violence > Actual Realization, Authority, Boundary Violation, Full Realization, Human Flourishing, Indoctrination, Potential Realization, Psychic Wound, Systemic Violence, Trauma-Focused Therapy


Physical Violence: Physical violence is any physical action that causes physical discomfort, pain or damage to the Physical Unit. Physical violence arises when physical force is used to cause pain or discomfort, usually in an effort to exert control. Physical violence includes  spitting, hitting, strangling, burning, stabbing, choking, biting, weapons, confinements, withholding of medication or medical attention, violent personal care, and anything else that causes physical discomfort, pain, and damage.

Emotional Violence: Emotional violence is anything that hurts somebody's feelings or that undermines an individual's emotional well-being and self-esteem, or that creates feelings of fear, obligation, guilt. Emotional violence is characterized by emotional manipulation and emotional assault designed to hurt feelings and control behavior. Emotional violence includes yelling, name calling, shaming, blaming, invalidating, the "silent treatment", isolation, constant criticism, humiliation and degradation (in private or public), intimidation, threats of abandonment, threats of harm, emotional withdrawal, denial of abusive behaviour, and deflection.

Psychological Violence: Psychological violence is anything that undermines or diminishes a person's cognitive capacities, or that distorts their perceptions and understanding of self and reality. Psychological violence arises in environments where psychological force is used to intimidate, coerce, and control. Psychological violence overlaps with emotional violence and includes threats of harm, verbal aggression, verbal intimidation, social/familial isolation, condescending behaviour, passive-aggressive attacks, constant criticisms, taking control of life decisions, etc.

Note, In practice, emotional and psychological violence often occur together and reinforce each other in an abusive relationships.

Sexual Violence: Sexual violence is anything that interferes with and undermines an individual's sexuality, and sexual and gender identity. Sexual violence occurs when a person is forced or manipulated into unwanted sexual activity or when they are made to feel uncomfortable with their sexual and gender orientations. Sexual violence includes touching without consent, rape, unwanted physical assault, unwelcome sexual comments, jokes, or leering behavior, denial of privacy, forced prostitution, withholding of sexual affection, purposeful exposure to STDs, etc. Sexual violence also includes various invalidations of sexual and gender identity, particularly when coupled by shame and derision.

Economic Violence: Economic violence is violence perpetrated against individuals for the purpose of causing economic harm. Corporate CEOs who inflate prices, government officials and banks who raise interest rates, employers who economically exploit their employees, and abusive spouses who use money as a means of controlling are all engage in economic

Neuronal Violence: Neuronal violence is violence that alters the neurological and chemical pathways and functions of the brain in a direction that undermines full development.[3]

Spiritual Violence: Spiritual violence is violence suppresses Consciousness and diminishes Connection. Spiritual violence includes anything that damages the body and the bodily ego and that makes the bodily ego fear and avoid Connection and Connection Experience. Spiritual violence is applied primarily through the violent, exclusionary, and fear based Existential Paradigms proffered by the Accumulating Class.

*Note, these divisions are in a sense arbitrary since there is overlap in consequences. Spanking can cause physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual damage.

All forms of violence, no matter how "minor" they might appear, damage the body and diminish it's potential.

Galtung defines violence as the "cause of the difference between the potential and the actual, between what could have been and what is."[4] This statement refers to the fact that violence undermines and prevents the realization of one's full potential.[5] Violence "decreases mental potentialities.[6]

Galtung suggests that violence is characterized by avoidable damage. Someone dying of tuberculosis in the 18th century did not die violently, but an individual that does today does, since the death is avoidable and caused by the withdrawal resources that would otherwise have prevented that death. [7]

Galtung suggests a distinction between negative and positive violence, both of which may undermine potential and diminish the subject. Negative violence cause (emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical) pain while positive violence causes pleasure. The diminishing and damaging impact of negative violence are obvious.[8] The diminishment associated with positive violence is less obvious, but there nonetheless. A husband that rewards his wife with presents and attention every time she dresses up and looks pretty is influencing her behaviour in the direction of gender conformity.

Galtung distinguishes between personal violence and Structural Violence[9]. Structural violence is violence where the violent actor has disappeared to be replaced by an institutional fabric that obscures violent human acts. A human resources department that sanctions an employee is engaged in a violent act supportive of specific human interests (owners, shareholders), but the act is enabled by rules and norms and the agent whom the violence benefit have disappeared from clear view.

The practice of violence, like all action, changes the world, but the most probable change is to a more violent world.[10] No one engaged in thought about history and politics can remain unaware of the enormous role violence has always played in human affairs, and it is at first glance rather surprising that violence has been singled out so seldom for special consideration.[11]

Arendt argues violence is distinguished from power, force, authority by its instrumental character. She sees violence and war-making as the "principal structuring force in society," and that it plays a key role in maintaining The System. [12] She also analyzes the violence in the service of revolution, or in the interests of more narrow groups interests.

Violence is a component of Toxic Socialization. Violence can be used to force compliance and also to achieve political goals. See for example the work of Hanna Arendt [13][14]

Violence may diminish the the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual life of the individual.

  • physical diminishment: Physical violence that damages and diminishes the physical body and mind. Includes hitting, biting, corporal punishment, prenatal exposure to drugs. denial of food/water. poisoning. sexual abuse: sexual contact or non-contact, sexual interference (Behl, Conyngham, & May, 2003). Confinement and restriction of mobility.[15]
  • psychological diminishment:Psychological violence abuse that damages and diminishes the physical body and mind, including impairment of intelligence, memory, perception, attention, imagination, and moral development (O'Hagan, 1995). Examples: Brainwashing/indoctrination [16]
  • emotional diminishment: abuse that impairs/damages the emotional life of the individual, including their ability to properly regulate emotions, and to take responsibility, be confident, be open to others when appropriate, maintain appropriate boundaries, and trust. Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse, excessive demands, excessively harsh judgments, and other abuse patterns that impact the child’s ability to feel happy and healthy in their own skin (O'Hagan, 1995).Examples: Brainwashing/indoctrination [17]
  • spiritual diminishment: Spiritual violence undermines an individual's ability to connect with theirSpiritual Ego. This is a massive and tragic diminishment since most people end up going through life largely disconnected, and with low CQ.

Full human development, Healing and Connection, requires the cessation of all forms of violence and the re-establishment of healthy, respectful, and nurturing spaces.


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  1. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91.
  2. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91.
  3. Han, Byung-Chul. The Burnout Society. Translated by Erik Butler. Stanford: Stanford Briefs, 2015.
  4. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.168.
  5. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.168.
  6. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.169.
  7. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91.
  8. Sosteric, Mike, and Gina Ratkovic. “Toxic Socialization,” 2016.
  9. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91.
  10. Arendt, Hanna. On Violence. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1969. p. 80.
  11. Arendt, Hanna. On Violence. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1969. p. 8.
  12. Arendt, Hanna. On Violence. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1969. p. 9.
  13. Arendt, Hanna. On Violence. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1969.
  14. Arendt, Hanna. The Origins of Totalitarianism. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
  15. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.158.
  16. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.158.
  17. Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 6, no. 3 (January 1, 1969): 167–91. p.158.