Information Stream

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Revision as of 14:06, 27 February 2017 by Mike Sosteric (talk | contribs)

An Information Stream (a.k.a. Message Stream) is a channel of communication from one individual monad or group of monads to another individual or group of monads.


Information streams are everywhere! If you turn on your television you are opening an information stream. If you listen to the radio you are tuned into an information stream. If you listen to rock music, read a book, or listen to a spiritual teacher you are connected to an information stream.

Information streams may be basic and individual, as is the case between this communication between you and I, or complex and collective, as is the case with your typical Hollywood movie or news broadcast.

Information streams may be pure and uncorrupted, or tainted and manipulated. Pure information channels retain the intended meaning of Source. Tainted information streams are streams where the message has been corrupted and tainted to convey a message and serve an emotional, psychological, political, economic agenda not intended by the originator(s) of the stream.

Information streams may be aligned or disjunctive. Aligned information streams are streams that convey the Truths about Consciousness and creation, and that move you towards awakening, activation, and ascension. Disjunctive information streams are streams that lie and dissemble, and that move you towards disconnection, disempowerment, and even death.

See Also

===The System=== Regime of Accumulation

Spiritual Ideology

Further Reading