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In a spiritual discussion, Power may be defined simply as the ability to manifest Intent in reality.

In an economic context, Power may be defined as the ability to command another person's labor power (Sharp, 2009)

Power may be exercised in relation to all aspects of physical, psychological, and emotional creation. We may have power to protect ourselves, power to build a house, power to raise our children, power to help another, and power to meet our needs. Anybody with the ability to manifest Intent in reality may be seen to have power.

Power is an Aspect of Consciousness, and a neutral potential of the Physical Unit. Power may be used to express and manifest both Venal and Spiritual intent.

See Also

Archetypes > (New Energy Archetypes | Old Energy Archetypes | Archetypal Constellation | Archetypal Revision | Collective Consciousness | Creation Template)

Activation | Alignment | Calling | Emancipation | Force | Formation | Gate | Graduation | Initiation | Joyful | Lightworker | Passage | Power | Realization | Rebirth | Sacrifice | Star | Strength | The Master | The Promise | Victory | World


Labour | Work | Labour Time
Barter | Money (Labour Value of Money / Labour-Exchange Value of Money)
Official Economy | Informal Economy | Underground Economy | Monetized Economy
Accumulation | Power | Debt | Global Crises
Social Class | The Baker's Story

Further Reading

Sosteric, Mike (RSGME). The Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy. Lightning Path Press. More Info

Mike Sosteric. The Triumph of Spirit Book Two: Old and New Energy Archetypes. Triumph of Spirit. St. Albert: Lightning Path Press, 2019.


Sharp, Michael (2017). The Triumph of Spirit: Healing and Activating with the Triumph of Spirit Archetypes. [1]

Triumph of Spirit Website