Direct Mental Interaction With Living Systems

From The SpiritWiki

Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems (DMILS) involves the impact of intent on the physical and mental state of an individual "not involving [any] known physical mechanisms."[1] DMILS is a feature of Consciousness that is enhanced during Connection. It is an example of the Enhanced Power Over Creation that sometimes attends Connection Experience.


Enhanced Power over Creation > Arendi, Direct Mental Interaction With Living Systems, Levitation, Teleportation, The Ability of Curse and Favour, Walking on Air

List of Connection Outcomes

Connection Outcome > Connection Pathology, Déjà vu, Emotional Cleansing, Emotional Satisfaction, Enlightenment, Existential Terrors, Healing, Liberation, Perfect Connection, Perfected Connection, Perfection, Physical Sensations, Psychotic Mysticism, Realization of Self, Ritambharapragya, Spontaneous Alignment, The Unity, Transformation, Union


The term was coined by William Braud.

An interesting record of many successful experiments demonstrating DMILS is provided by Vasiliev. [2]


  1. Vasiliev, L.L. Experiments in Mental Suggestion. Vol. 22. Hampton Roads: Charlotesville, 1963. p. xi
  2. Vasiliev, L.L. Experiments in Mental Suggestion. Vol. 22. Hampton Roads: Charlottesville, 1963.