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On the Lightning Path Salvation is a term that can be used to refer to a Physical Unit that has re-connected with Consciousness, elevated its Consciousness Quotient, and awakened to its true identity and Purpose.


In Hinduism Salvation is attainment/identification/re-Connection with the Supreme (a.k.a. Brahman) (Gita;8.11).

In Hinduism salvation is obtained via unflagging Devotion to God/Vishnu.(Gita;8)

"Today, it is the fate of the Earth, not just of single persons, that is also our concern. Can the recovery of the individual soul help in the rescue or preservation of our imperilled planet? Perhaps. The brilliant analytical psychologist James Hillman has reintroduced the concept of the world soul--the anima mundi. The world soul is not a remote thing but a power that permeates the world and all in it. Importantly, the soul of the world and that of the individual are inseparable, the one always implicating the other. As Hillman states, "any alteration in the human psyche resonates with a change in the psyche of the world. If he is right, there is global significance in paying attention to our own soul. Indeed, the fate of the Earth could depend on our collective efforts." [1]

Additional Reading



  1. Dossey. Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Search. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1989. p. 10-11.