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'''Right Thought''' is thought that supports [[Spiritual Awakening]] and [[Connection]]. Right thought is thought that supports the [[Water Glass Metaphor|expansion of consciousness]] into the [[Physical Unit|physical unit]].

'''Right Thought''' is thought that supports [[Spiritual Awakening]] and [[Connection]]. Right thought is thought that supports the [[Water Glass Metaphor|expansion of consciousness]] into the [[Physical Unit|physical unit]].
==Syncretic Terms==

On the Lightning Path, right thought is the equivalent of the Jainism's samyak darshan (right perception) + samyak jnana (right knowledge). l


Revision as of 13:05, 6 July 2017

Right Thought is thought that supports Spiritual Awakening and Connection. Right thought is thought that supports the expansion of consciousness into the physical unit.

Syncretic Terms

On the Lightning Path, right thought is the equivalent of the Jainism's samyak darshan (right perception) + samyak jnana (right knowledge). l


Right thought is established by replacing Old Energy ideas and archetypes with New Energy ideas and archetypes. For more, see the Book of the Triumph of Spirit series.

Right Thought is one of a trinity of considerations (the others being Right Environment and Right Action) that, when taken together, provide the foundations of Connection, and of the awakening, activation, and ascension of the Physical Unit].

Right Thought and Right Action are particularly important when it comes to the process of aligning the physical unit with its resident monadic consciousness or "animating spark." Since alignment of the physical unit the resident monadic consciousness is an essential prerequisite, establishing right thought (not to mention right action) is a critical precursor to unfolding of consciousness into the vessel.

Poltinus refers to the importance of establishing proper thinking when he says "Our thought cannot grasp the One as long as any other image remains active in the soul." He further suggests that to grasp The One you must "set free your soul from all outward things and turn wholly within yourself, with no more leaning to what lies outside, and lay your mind bare of ideal forms, as before of the objects of sense, and forget even yourself, and so come within sight of that One." Personally, I disagree. For sure we should lay bare our mind of ideal forms (i.e. archetypes), but getting rid of them altogether doesn't make any sense. I would suggest, and I have, that if we are to grasp the One we must replace Old Energy Archetypes with New Energy Archetypes so we can have a clear and organized vision/understanding of that which we "grasp" at. I also don't agree with the old "turn wholly inward" thing. Unless you got slaves to tend to your needs, as Poltinus probably had, that's an unreasonable, and unnecessary, spiritual requirement. I also think that grasping what the One has to say is only a little thing, like when you realized, as a very small child, you had a nose on your face. Let it titillate you for a while, but get on with your own life's purpose, whatever that may be.

See Also

Awakening Right Environment Right Action Old Energy Archetypes New Energy Archetypes

Further Reading

Lightning Path Workbook Three: Connection. Lightning Path Press. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lp-workbooks-and-91290808

Sharp, Michael (GA). The Great Awakening: Concepts and Techniques for Successful Spiritual Practice.