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Disjuncture is the emotional and psychological stress that arises when the Physical Unit is out of Alignment with its Animating Monadic Consciousness. Disjuncture arises when there is a disconnect between what Consciousness wants and what is actually happening in the material world around you.


Many forms of disjuncture may impact the physical unit. There may be behavioral disjuncture (i.e. a disjuncture between how Consciousness wants the body to behave, and how the body actually behaves), cognitive disjuncture (i.e. a disjuncture between how Consciousness want the body to think and how the body actually things), and even emotional disjuncture. There more disjuncture there is the more likely a "Dark Night" becomes.

Disjuncture always results in uncomfortable feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety. In severe cases of disjuncture, guilt, shame, and anxiety may give way to distress, anguish, even mental and emotional collapse (i.e. a so called Dark Night of the Soul, and even suicide. Suicide prevention offers head on acceptance of the disjuncture, non-judgmental support of awareness, and expert guidance designed to reduce disjuncture and encourage alignment.

The correct healing response to disjuncture is always Right Thought in order to properly re-orient the body, Right Action) to correct disjunctive actions or situations, and Right Environment to ensure protective, nurturing, and aligned environments in which to heal, change, and re-grow. Unfortunately, an oppressive System created to empower and privilege a few at the expense of the many discourages right thought, right action, and the development of right environment. As a result many individuals employ Repressive Strategies (a.ka. Defense Mechanisms)) and Awareness Reduction Mechanisms (ARMs) to avoid awareness of the disjunctive elements of reality, and to repress negative emotions otherwise elicited to identify disjunctive situations and encourage corrective action.

Chronic disjuncture and repression lead to Pathology. Chronic disjuncture leads to stunted physical, psychological, and emotional development (since energy otherwise necessary for development and health is turned towards activating and maintaining repression) and, in serious long-term cases, neurosis, psychosis, disease, and even death. It is thus in the best interests of the physical unit to identify disjuncture and deal with it directly by eliminating it and bringing itself into alignment with its own Animating Monadic Consciousness.

See Also

Toxic Socialization | Disconnection | Hell

Further Reading

Sharp, M. (2013). Lightning Path Lesson Book Three - Foundations. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press.