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Awakening is a term used to describe a general increase in awareness, such as the increase in awareness that occurs when you awaken from your nightly sleep. Spiritual Awakening is a term used to describe the general increase in awareness that accompanies temporary and/or permanent Connection to Consciousness.


Spiritual awakening (or just awakening for short) is typically a volunteer process. It is initiated by intent and (sometimes) facilitated with Connection Supplements. In certain situations, Forced Awakening may occur.

Both spiritual and daily awakening occur when Consciousness is drawn into the Physical Unit (Sosteric, SA1).

Spiritual awakening a biological process that occurs naturally without intervention. The natural process of spiritual awakening can be subverted by Toxic Socialization and associated practices. When the natural process of awakening has been subverted, remedial training and healing are typically required.

Spiritual awakening is the first stage in a three stage process of Spiritual Realization.

Awakening occurs in two basic steps. Step one, become aware that spiritual awakening is a thing. Step two, will/intend it to happen (Sharp, BII).

Spiritual awakening is a significant process that implicates all aspects of an individual's psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual life space.

Spiritual awakening may be initiated via a simple statement of Intent. The intent may be verbal, as in the case of Awakening Mantras, or it may be visual, as in the case of Awakening Visualizations (Sharp, B0; BII). Connection Supplements may also be used to facilitate short-term (a few minutes to a few hours) Connection Experiences (Sosteric, SA1; Sharp, BI),

Awakening (i.e. drawing Consciousness into the vessel) is a complicated and, owing to failures in this planet's Toxic Socialization process, challenging process. In many cases professional psychological, emotional, and sociological supports are required in order to to fully awaken an individual.

Awakening takes time; a single intent statement is always insufficient to guarantee spiritual awakening. Clear intent and vision exercised over an extended period of time is usually required in order to completely awaken (Sharp, BOOK0, BOOK2).

See Also

Forced Awakening

Syncretic Terms

Awakening as Union with Reality, Enlightenment, attainment of Buddha Mind, attainment of the Kingdom of God, Moksha, attainment of Christ Consciousness, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Descent of Consciousness, entry into the Holy of Holies, the Triumph of Spirit, removal of The Blindfold, piercing of The Veil, lifting of The Blindfold, Resurrection of Consciousness

Further Reading

Sosteric, Mike. (SOA). The Science of Ascension. Unpublished. [1]

Sharp, Michael (GA). The Great Awakening: Concepts and Techniques for Successful Spiritual Practice.


Sharp, Michael (B0). Lightning Path Book Zero: Introduction to the Authentic Spirituality. Lightning Path Press. [2]

Sharp, Michael (BII). Lightning Path Book Two: Introduction to the Lightning Path. Lightning Path Press. http://press.thelightningpath.com/product/the-lightning-path-two-introduction-lightning-path/