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Caution. This article/definition is in draft form and at this time may constitute no more than rough notes, reminders for required content, or absolutely nothing at all. Content is subject to revision.

System Enforcers are individual specifically trained to police the boundaries of the box we’ve been placed in. System enforcers activate when individuals reveal themselves to be potential threats to the system of hierarchy and privilege.

System enforcers may be unconscoius of their role, or conscious. provide examples of both.

System enforcers suppress and divert, enforce using force

System Enforces may be distinguished from System Agents by the application of forms of violence and force

Types of Force

Start off with physical resistance. Physical resistance is … Note something about levels. physical resistance pushing around to actual threats or attempts on your life. Won’t often get to that point, but it may. Following physical resistance have psychological resistance. Psychological Resistance: installation of concepts. Lying about the nature of empowerment. Maing it about passive attraction. Some peole make it abou attraction. They will then tell you that all you have to do to get some money is “attract” it and it will be so. But, as much as there is truth to the idea that energy follows intent, (or as above in consciousness, so below in matter, as I like to say) the reality is that on this earth power (even of the spiritual kind), more to it. FORCE AND FORMATION Financial Resistance, and by that I mean financial resistance. We live in a world where a system is in place designed specifically to extract our energy from us and place it in the hands of as few people as possible. This “extraction of So why the resistance, and what are you going to do about it? energy” is discussed in The Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy. It is important here because of its relationship to your empowerment. The truth is, you need energy to be empowered and since money is energy you need money if you are going to be able to do the things you came to do. It might sound very “anti-spiritual” to you, but it is not. You can't even build a decent house without money.

Energetic Resistance: toxic foods, financial disempowerment. Now, in addition to the actual physical, emotional, and even violent resistance to your empowerment you may experience, there is “energetic” resistance as well

See Also

===The System=== Regime of Accumulation

Spiritual Ideology


Sosteric, Mike. (RSGAS). The Rocket Scientists' Guide to Authentic Spirituality. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press. [1]