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From The SpiritWiki


Sometime in the year 2003, I had a series of powerful "mystical" experiences, or what I call Connection Experiences. At that time I had two choices. One, I could pretend they didn't exist and that I didn't have them, or I could embrace them and try and figure out WTF was going on. Since there was a certain amount of psychopathy in the first connection event, pretending it hadn't happened was an attractive option. Ultimately I didn't try to pretend them away. Instead, probably as a direct result of my doctoral level university training, I chose to investigate and explore, to try and figure out WTF was going on. This SpiritWiki is a part distillation of my (now our) fifteen year, ongoing exploration, and part textbook explication of our evolving theoretical understanding.

To use the textbook, simply pick a topic and explore. Keep in mind, the work is still under heavy development. Concepts, principles, and linkages are still evolving, and therefore subject to change. Navigation isn't fully developed and there might be lingering soft spots and problem areas that need to be cleaned up.

Psychological Theory

Consciousness exists sui generis, independent of, physical creation. The Physical Unit was designed as a container for Consciousness. Human Development involves nurturing and preparing the physical unit so that it can develop and maintain a strong Connection. Disconnection is a consequence of Toxic Socialization


LP Therapy

Sociologial Theory

Sociology is the study of the world that we create. Since the world we create is constituted by institutions, and since institutions are constituted by the relationships and actions within them, sociology is the study of institutions and the relationships that constitute these institutions, and the development of these institutions and relationships. Taken together, the sum total of all human institutions and relationships constitute The System.

Currently, The System is organized around the goal of accumulation (Sosteric, 2016). The Regime of Accumulation (ROA) is consciously designed to enrich the few while impoverishing the many. System Agents work to maintain and evolve the system.

The Regime of Accumulation consists of a Mode of Production (MOP), a Mode of Accumulation (MOA), and a Mode of Compliance (MOC). The particular constellation and MOP, MOA, and MOC provide a specific historical realization of the abstract ROA. Slavery, Feudalism and Capitalism are two distinct historical regimes in the general development of human civilization.

Evolution of sentient species pass through three stages of evolution, a primitive expansionary phase, an intermediate development phase where the modes of production, accumulation, and compliance evolve and globalize, and a final graduation phase. Graduation occurs when technology has evolved the quantum stage, the productive apparatus of a planet has reached ultimate development, and the species emancipates itself from, and transform, the System.
