Lightning Path

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The Lightning Path (LP) is a sophisticated, modern, authentic, new energy spirituality that helps you awaken from your spiritual coma, activate the energy systems of your physical unit, and ascend to a higher level of awareness/Consciousness.

Put another way, the Lightning Path is a modern school of New Energy spirituality that provides interested individuals with training and practices designed to facilitate awakening, activation, and ascension of the physical unit.

Put another way, the LP offers a “spiritual technology” designed to provide a "lightning path" (i.e. a fast path) back towards spiritual re-Connection.

The Lightning Path was created by Dr. Michael Sharp. It is a blending of direct mystical experience, ancient spiritual wisdom, and modern social and natural sciences.


Lightning is a ubiquitous spiritual symbol. In Vedic literature, Indra is the god of lightning, storms, rains, and river flows. Indra wields vajra (वज्र), which is the Sanskrit word for thunderbolt and diamond. Indra is a cleansing god who destroys Vritra, who obstructs human prosperity and happiness through lies and deception. Indra kills sinners and ignorant persons using the vajra (RigVeda 2.12). The vajra is a weapon/ritual object that symbolizes indestructibility (diamond) and power/force (thunderbolt). The vajra sounds similar to Thor's hammer.

On the Cabbalistic Tree of Life, lightning is said to travel a zigzag path down the tree of Kether to Malkuth. In this case, lightning represents the intent/will of God as it emanates down the vibratory levels of existence until it exits/manifests the material world, a.k.a. Malkuth/The Kingdom (Sharp, BOLIFE}}.

Further Reading

Lightning Path Workbook One: The Basics. Lightning Path Press.
