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Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with Healing and Connection.


Spirituality > Authentic Spirituality

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Spirituality > Religion


Spirituality is about connecting your Bodily Ego to your Spiritual Ego. Being spiritual means working consciously towards achieving strong and persistent connection to Consciousness.

Physical, emotional, psychological, social, economic, institutional, and political processes that encourage and facilitate healing and Connection are spiritual.

Spiritual systems are systems designed to teach how to connect. Spiritual practices (herein known as Connection Practicess) are practices designed to make connection. Spiritual tools are tools designed to facilitate and support connection.

Spiritual beliefs and practices may be codified and wrapped, through human action, within an institutional framework. A spirituality that is wrapped within an institutional framework is known as a Religion.

Other Definitions

Delaney Defines spirituality " as a multidimensional phenomenon that is universally experienced, in part socially constructed, and individually developed throughout the life span. Spirituality encompasses a personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal context consisting of four interrelated domains: (a) higher power or universal intelligence—a belief in a higher power or universal intelligence that may or may not include formal religious practices; (b) self- discovery—the spiritual journey begins with inner reflection and a search for meaning and purpose. This process of self-discovery leads to growth, healing, and transformation; (c) relationships—an integral connection to others based on a deep respect and reverence for life and is known and experienced within relationships (Burkhardt & Nagai-Jacobson, 2005); and (d) eco-awareness—an integral connection to nature based on a deep respect and reverence for the environment and a belief that the Earth is sacred. Eco-awareness is rooted in deep ecology and the Gaia hypothesis (Lovelock, 2000). Within the framework of the Gaia hypothesis, the Earth is viewed as a living organism. MacGillis (1994) extends this notion by postulating that humans are the Earth consciously evolved to experience itself. "[1]==Footnotes==

  1. Delaney, C. “The Spirituality Scale: Development and Psychometric Testing of a Holistic Instrument to Assess the Human Spiritual Dimension.” Journal of Holistic Nursing. United States: Sage Publications, January 1, 2005. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. p. 152.

"...spirituality has evolved from a term synonymous with religion, moving to an association with a search for meaning and pur- pose, extending to the inclusion of relationships and recognition of holism, and finally to a connection to the environment and cosmos."[1]


  1. Delaney, C. “The Spirituality Scale: Development and Psychometric Testing of a Holistic Instrument to Assess the Human Spiritual Dimension.” Journal of Holistic Nursing. United States: Sage Publications, January 1, 2005. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. p. 151.