Right Environment

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Right environment is an environment that meets one or more of our Seven Essential Needs and, equally importantly, does not thwart any of these same needs.[1] Right environment is also an environment that goes further, that not only healthy but also healing, and connection. A right environment is an environment that supports Health, Healing and Connection. In other words, right environment is a safe, nurturing and healing environment.[2] Right environment is one of the Three Rs of Alignment and is part of the LP's Alignment Rule Set.

The Three Rs of Alignment

Three Rs of Alignment > Right Action, Right Environment, Right Thought

The Three Ws of Misalignment

Three Ws of Mislignment > Wrong Action, Wrong Environment, Wrong Thought

Related LP Terms

Right Environment > Alignment, No-Violence Rule, Three Rs of Alignment

Related Terms

Right Environment >


Safe environments are non-threatening, non-toxic, calm environments where there is absolutely no violence or threat of violence of any form. No violence here means no emotional, psychological, spiritual, or physical violence. Safe environments are important because they allow your bodily ego to recover, relax, reflect, let go, and grow. If you are constantly stressed out by toxicity, assault, and negativity, the bodily ego stays rigid and in control and you will struggle to make a connection.

Supportive environments are nurturing environments where all your Seven Essential Needs1 are met. Your home environment should certainly be a supportive environment, and so should your school, socia, and work place be as well.

Aligned environments are environments where you are encouraged to, and where you can, act in alignment with your spiritual ego. Since your spiritual ego is an entity of light, life, love, creativity, compassion, empathy, and intelligence, right environments are environments where you can act with love, compassion, empathy, and intelligence.

Right environments are important for both Healing and Connection. One can neither heal nor connect when coping with Wrong Environment.

The isolation of a temple or monastery is one attempt to provide Right Environment

[Spiritual teachers [often?] comment on the nature and establishment of right environment.]

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  1. Lightning Path Workbook Three: Connection. Lightning Path Press. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lp-workbooks-and-91290808
  2. Lightning Path Workbook Three: Connection. Lightning Path Press. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lp-workbooks-and-91290808

Three Rs of Alignment