Human Development

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Human Development is the process of growth and change that leads, ideally, to the development of a fully developed, fully functioning, healthy, and Connected Physical Unit.

Human Development Terms


Related LP Terms

Non-LP Related Terms

Key Figures


The Lightning Path provides its own Human Development Framework, the Lightning Path Human Development Framework (LP-HDF). This LP-HDF provides guidance on the preconditions, practices, and environments required to achieve growth and full human potential. LP_HDF is delivered through the Lightning Path School of Human Development.

"All the evidence that we have (mostly clinical evidence, but already some other kinds of research evidence) indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being. and certainly in almost every newborn baby. that there is an active will toward health, an impulse toward growth, or toward the actualization of human potentialities. But at once we are confronted with the very saddening realization that so few people make it. Only a small proportion of the human population gets to the point of identity, or of selfhood, full humanness, self-actualization, etc., even in a society like ours which is relatively one of the most fortunate on the face of the earth. This is our great paradox. We have the impulse toward full development of humanness. Then why is it that it doesn't happen more often? What blocks it?"[1]


  1. Maslow, A. H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature New York: Viking, 1971. p. 24-5