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As above in consciousness, so below in_matter

An archetype is any conscious or unconscious idea that provides an individual with an acceptable answer to a Big Question (Sosteric, SA1). Archetypes can be visual, linguistic, even musical.

Archetypes control reality. For example, archetypes of good and evil help create moral, cognitive, and emotional encouragement/support for war and conflict (fighting is good as long as you are on the side of "right").

Archetypes can separated into two broad categories, these being Old Energy and New Energy Archetypes.


Any idea can function as an archetype so long as the idea is accepted into consciousness as significant. Ideas that are accepted as answers become "sacred." Once an archetype is accepted into an individual's archetype set, it exerts an influence on cognition and behavior. For example, the acceptance of "good/evil"/shadow archetypes cause many people to spend billions on Star Wars movies and related paraphernalia.

Many people have a “God” archetype that provides them an answer to the question “What is God?” (e.g., God is a bearded patriarch, God is pure Consciousness, God is a tool of the ruling class, God doesn’t exist). As another example, Jung identified a Christian-like “shadow” archetype. The shadow archetype provides answers to questions of human nature. According to the Jung’s shadow archetype (and the many Christian-like derivatives, like for example Star Wars), we are beings of “shadow” and “light,” locked in a cosmic war of domination

An archetype can function at the individual level or the meta-level (i.e., the group level, the societal level, and the planetary level). An archetype functions at each level by virtue of its acceptance into Consciousness. An organizing archetype accepted by a single individual is functional and influential primarily at the individual level only. By the same token, an archetype accepted into the Collective Consciousness of the planet is functional and influential at all levels.

Carl Jung noted suggested that archetypes are "inter-generationally persistent," meaning each new physical unit is born with a certain set of meta-level archetypes passed on from the previous generation. This may be partly true. But is it important to be aware that a lot of work goes into inserting archetypes into each new generation by Agents of Consciousness (Walt Disney, for example). Agents of consciousness are responsible for sowing the archetypal seeds of gender, cosmic struggle, judgment, etc. Archetypes are inserted typically when the individual is young, psychologically defenseless against the imposition, and unable to decide whether they want certain archetypes inserted or not.

It should be noted that more than one archetype is required to condition a planet. We may refer to the collection of archetypes used to control the manifestation of reality as a Creation Template. We may refer to the sum total of all planetary archetypes as they exist in the consciousness of the planet as the Archetypal Fabric.

On this planet, effort is put into obscuring the nature and origin of archetypes. See Sosteric (2014) for an example of the construction of a creation template, and its obfuscation behind walls of mystical verbiage. This fact, plus ongoing attempts to mystify the creative process and dissemble about its true "secret" nature, make critical inquiry into extant archetypal structures difficult. The general tendency has been to view archetypes as "divine", "cosmically", or naturally emergent and to subsequently attempt to plumb archetypal depths for "secret" "wisdom" and enlightenment. Even Carl Jung, perhaps especially Carl Jung, fell victim to this tendency to elevate simple (though highly significant) ideas to lofty, mystical heights.

Changing the world, ushering in any significant new reality, shifting to the New Age," birthing Shambhala, or saving the planet requires that the Old Energy creation template of this planet be unpacked, interrogated, exposed, and modified to more accurately reflect collective (rather than private, as is currently the case) values and goals. For an recent attempt to interrogate, expose, and modify the Creation Template of this planet see the Halo/Sharp Tarot.

Carl Jung felt that archetypes were natural phenomenon and suggested that the ongoing experience of something like the diurnal rhythms of Gaia became "burned in" as an archetype and "passed on" through the genetics of the body. While it is true that archetypes that become widely accepted are coded genetically and therefore do become persistent, it is not true that archetypes emerge out of natural experience. Archetypes are always constructed by some self aware entity. however when constructed properly and accepted widely, archetypes can easily become persistent across generation in which case they may come to "look" natural. To conclude they are natural based on their inter generational persistence is, however, an empirical and logical error. In any case, because archetypes are not "given" to us (either by nature or god), archetypes can be changed.

See Also

Archetypes > (New Energy Archetypes | Old Energy Archetypes | Archetypal Constellation | Archetypal Revision | Collective Consciousness | Creation Template)


Sosteric, Mike. (SOA). The Science of Ascension. Unpublished. [1]