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Caution. This article/definition is in draft form and at this time may constitute no more than rough notes, reminders for required content, or absolutely nothing at all. Content is subject to revision.

The word Maya is an ancient spiritual term used to describe the disconnect between true Reality (which has both a material and spiritual aspects) and our perceptions of it (see Wikipedia for a decent overview). In the LP context, Maya refers to

  • misperception/misapprehension/misunderstanding of Reality,
  • internally generated self-delusions about the true nature and content of Reality.
  • externally imposed ideology and dogma, particularily when accepted as truth by the individual or collective 'i'.
  • the actual illusions and delusions themselves (Maya as delusionary/illusionary/erroneous concept).

Maya as misperception

Maya is also the perception that you, and by “you” I mean your Bodily Ego, have of the material world when uniformed by a strong connection to Consciousness. Maya is a perception of the physical world that is empty of Consciousness, empty of awareness of the true nature and purpose of Creation, and as a consequence likely corrupted by misapprehension, misperception, and misunderstanding. Maya is the misapprehension of the true nature of reality on this Earth.

Maya as Self Delusion

Maya (misapprehension, misunderstanding) arises because Toxic Socialization breaks the nascent connection to consciousness we enjoy as infants and young children, and System Agents subsequently fill our heads with various forms of spiritual, economic, psychological, and scientific nonsense. Since we are disconnected from Consciousness we have no resistance. Consequently, we easily believe even the most absurd representations of reality, like for example we are merely an evolving bipedal ape, or that we're incarnated to learn our lessons like good little children.

Intentional Misdirection / the illusion of presentability

Maya as Ideology

Maya as delusionary concept

Further Reading

Sharp, Michael (B0). Lightning Path Book Zero: Introduction to the Authentic Spirituality. Lightning Path Press. [1]

See Also

Toxic Socialization | Disconnection | Hell