Mode of Exploitation

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According to Ruyle,"[1] the Mode of Exploitation is the manner in which the Accumulating Class goes about creating conditions conducive to the accumulation of Labour Value from the Slave Classes. The phrase "Mode of Exploitation" is a term syncretic with the LP term Mode of Accumulation.

Syncretic Terms

Mode of Accumulation > Mode of Exploitation, Mode of Production, Old World, The Machine, The Matrix, The Wheel


According to Ruyle[2] any specific Mode of Exploitation consists of three interrelated aspects; these aspects include

  1. Exploitative Techniques (i.e. the mechanisms through which economic surplus is extracted,
  2. Mechanisms of Force (like the police and the army who are called in to ensure regimes of extraction continue by physically coercing the population if necessary), and
  3. Ideological Institutions (like the elementary education system, the Catholic Church, Hollywood, and the family, tasked with controlling the minds of the exploited populations.

Ideological Institutions provide the Ideological Infrastructure by which compliance is ensured.

According to Ruyle (1975: pp. 11-12) “These elements of the exploitative system may be institutionalized separately, as in industrial societies such as the United States and the Soviet Union, or they may be integrated into a single unitary institution, as in the early Bronze Age. The precise ensemble of exploitative techniques, together with the manner in which state-church elements are institutionalized, constitutes a historical mode of exploitation.” [3]

According to Ruyle, "The existence of a mode of exploitation is both necessary and sufficient to explain the existence of differential wealth and privilege in class-structured societies."[4]


  1. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 12
  2. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 11
  3. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 12
  4. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 12

"The exploitative system is the instrumentality through which a predator-prey relationship is established within the human species, only here the stakes are human labor energy rather than energy locked up in animal flesh." [1] Regime of Accumulation}}

  1. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 11