Inner Self

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Inner Self (a.k.a. Inner "Man" (sic)) is a term used by Emanuel Swedenborg to refer to what, on the LP, we call Spiritual Ego, Highest Self, Self (with a capital "S), or Resident Monadic Consciousness.

According to Swedenborg,

It is the inner self that is called a spiritual self because it is in heaven’s light, and that light is spiritual. It is the outer self that is called an earthly self because it is in the light of this world, and that light is earthly. Anyone whose inner level is in heaven’s light and whose outer level is in this world’s light is a spiritual individual in both respects, but people whose inner level is not in heaven’s light but in this world’s light, where their outer level is as well, are earthly individuals in both respects. Spiritual individuals are the ones called “living” in the Word, while earthly individuals are the ones called “dead.” (Swedenborg, 2016: 3:38).

See Also

Outer Self


Swedenborg, E. (2016). New Jerusalem: Swedenborg Foundation. [3: 36]