Connection Experience

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A Connection Experience (a.k.a. Connection Event, CE) is a temporary, sometimes abrupt and dramatic, increase of Consciousness (measured by CQ (Consciousness Quotient) sufficiently above one's average daily CQ as to be perceived, by the individual, as a qualitatively different state of awareness/consciousness/being.


A connection experience may be facilitated by meditation, intense stress and trauma, and through the use of Connection Supplements.

The Q-Scale may be used to estimate the intensity and quality of a connection event.

Connection experiences may be understood neurologically, as what occurs when the Default Mode Network (otherwise known as the Bodily Ego of the individual's brain releases control and allows Consciousness to flow into the Physical Unit (Sosteric, SOA1). Release may occur naturally, under conditions of aligned safety, or it can be forced by exploiting powerful Connection Supplements.

A CE occurs when self makes a connection/becomes temporarily merged with Self

Syncretic Terms

Connection | Connection Event | Mystical Experience | Spiritual Experience | Peak Experience | Pure Consciousness Event | Religious Experience | Union (i.e. Union with God)

See Also

Connection | Zenith Experience | Nadir Experience

Further Reading

Sosteric, Mike (SOA1). The Science of Ascension: Mysticism, Consciousness, Connection. Unpublished Manuscript.