No-Violence Rule

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A No Violence Rule is a rule you establish in your home, work, and social lives that stipulates violence of any form (psychological, emotional, physical, or spiritual) will not be tolerated.[1] Establishing a No Violence Rule is a necessary precursor to establishing Right Environment and Right Action, which are themselves precusors to Healing and Connection.

Related LP Terms

No-Violence Rule > Toxic Socialization

Non-LP Related Terms

No-Violence Rule > Violence


A no-violence rule is different than non-violence. Non-violence or Ahimsa is a spiritual role that stipulates that you personally will not engage in violence. A no-violence rule stipulates not only that you will not perpetrate violence, but you will not allow the violent acts of others to enter personal spaces. That's of course a huge challenge, but it is something to work towards.

Related LP Courses



  1. Sosteric, Mike, and Gina Ratkovic. Lightning Path Workbook Two - Healing. Vol. 2. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2017.