As above in consciousness, so below in matter

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The phrase "As above in consciousness, so below in matter" is a phrase first coined by MS in 2002. The phrase reflects Consciousness as the ultimate cause and source of all physical creation.


The phrase is the proper completion of the "veiled" and easily (and often) misinterpreted hermetic phrase "As above, so below."

The phrase represents the same principle of creation as the so-called law of attraction and the new age phrase, "energy follows intent." The phrase "As above in consciousness, so below in matter" is superior to other representations inasmuch as it shrugs off Vestigial Materialism, emphasizes active and willful creation, and provides a specific and unequivocal statement of the primacy of Consciousness over matter. The phrase can also be read as a strong philosophical statement of pure idealism, and as a strong henological statement of the causal primacy of consciousness.

"We live in a conscious universe and consciousness determines the nature and shape of this universe. This is true in a practical sense, as for example when the consciousness of an engineer creates a bridge plan that is then implemented by contractors and workers. This is true in a social sense, as when our ideas about who we are and what we can do determine who we are and what we can do. This is also true in a mystical sense, as for example when the potentials of our experience are fundamentally altered because of the way we think about the world." GA

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