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Stanislav Groff

"The East has a model of the cosmos with a hollow center. Creation Emerged from the Void as a total gestalt in which everything is interconnected, has its place, and ultimately is an equally important part of the whole. In the West, you have a cosmogenetic model that is very different. In the center is the source of power. it is God, the Big Boss, who created the universe and from this central powerhouse emanates a hierarchical system with diminishing significance. In the archetypal world, you have the tiers of celestial beings--from the highest the archangels and then ordinary angels. And in nature, you have the lower and higher organisms and ultimately humans, as the crown of creation."[1]


Huston Smith

...describes a Mescaline experience where he came face to face with the emanation of The Fabric

I was experiencing the metaphysical theory known as emanationism, in which, beginning with the clear, unbroken Light of the Void, that light then fractures into multiple forms and declines in intensity as it devolves through descending levels of reality.[2]


  1. Laszlo, E., Grof, S., & Russell, P. (1999). The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions. pp. 47.
  2. Huston, S. (2000). Cleansing the Doors of Perception. Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications. pp. 11.