Elite Spirituality

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Elite spirituality is spirituality constructed and propagated by members of the Accumulating Classes.

Related Terms

Elite Spirituality > Common Core, Philosophia Perennis, Pia Philosophia, Prisca Theologia, Religion


Consider, the Catholic Church was created by Roman Emperor Constantine. For the full story, see “Rethinking the Origins and Purpose of Religion: Jesus, Constantine, and the Containment of Global Revolution.”[1].

Consider the Tarot Deck was created by elites in 18th century Freemason's Lodges[2]

Consider Persian Autocrat Aradashir took control of Zoroastrianism to further his imperial agenda.[3]

Elite spirituality is enacted by System Agents for the purpose of System Maintanence

Elite spirituality may be recognized by the presence of an Old Energy Creation Template.

List of Elites

Marsilio Ficini (1433-1499) the "virtual founder of the Renaissance Prisca Theologia narrative. [4]

Agostino Steuco (1496-1549).


  1. Sosteric, Mike. “Rethinking the Origins and Purpose of Religion: Jesus, Constantine, and the Containment of Global Revolution.” Athens Journal of Social Sciences 9, no. 1 (2020): 69–88. https://www.academia.edu/34970150/Rethinking_the_Origins_and_Purpose_of_Religion_Jesus_Constantine_and_the_Containment_of_Global_Revolution>
  2. Sosteric, Mike. “A Sociology of Tarot.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 39, no. 3 (2014). https://www.academia.edu/25055505/.
  3. Sosteric, Mike.“From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Mass Human Manipulation,” Under Review. https://www.academia.edu/34504691
  4. Haneegraff, Wouter J. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. p. 8.

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