Lightning Path Workbooks

From The SpiritWiki
Revision as of 12:46, 7 July 2024 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Lightning Path Workbooks deliver core Lightning Path Curriculum provide an interactive learning experience, offering exercises, reflections, and guided practices. LP Workbooks are integrated into Lightning Path Courseware and, along with Rocket Science books and other elements of LP Curriculum (see below), provide the foundation for a Human Development Framework that can support personal and collective efforts towards Healing, Reconnection, and Global Transformation.

LP Workbooks

Lightning Path Workbooks >

LP Curriculum

Lightning Path Curriculum > Lightning Path Courseware, Lightning Path Videos, Lightning Path Workbooks, Rocket Guides, SpiritWiki

Related LP Terms

Lightning Path Workbooks > Connection Manual

Non-LP Related Terms

Lightning Path Workbooks >

