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On the LP, the Western term God with a capital "G" refers to the LP Fabric of Consciousness.


When we understand God as the Fabric, and when we understand ourselves as instantiated Monads in the Fabric, we understand the statements "We are God" and "I am god" (with a small "g").

In Western cosmology/philosophy/theology, The One is, "mistakenly," elevated to the status of Alpha God. Note, this single, erroneous, ego driven elevation is the archetypal basis for all forms of privilege on Earth. Once one accepts the image of the Alpha God, and once accept the esoteric notion that we are to elevate ourselves to the status of Alpha God, all manner of bullshit privilege can be easily justified.

If you wish to move forward, the student would do well to always' remember that "I am [The One]]," you are one as well, and all of us, together, are God. As such there is no privilege allowed (it doesn't make sense), and no special statuses are proffered (though I have to say, it is fine to honour each other, so long as lots of it flows around).

If you find that your ego "trumps" here and you find yourself choking on the truth that we are God, may I suggest a quick Heimlich maneuver.

Syncretic Terms

The One | To Hen

See Also

Additional Reading