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The Western Tarot deck is a relatively complete reflection of the Western Creation Template. The Western Tarot is a recollection of twenty-two major archetypes and fifty six minor elaborations on those archetypes. The Tarot was designed by Freemasons throughout the 18th and 19th century to serve an elite agenda (Sosteric, 2014; Decker, Depaulis, & Dummett, 1996). Freemasons obscured the elite ideology and agenda by successfully presenting their work as reflective of ancient spiritual wisdom. The presentation of the Tarot as something other than a reflection of elite ideas about management and control prompted Decker, Depaulis & Dummett (1996) to suggest that the Masonic Tarot was the...

...most successful propaganda campaign ever launched: not by a very long way the most important, but the most completely successful. An entire false history, and false interpretation, of the Tarot pack was concocted by the occultists; and it is all but universally believed.

For an alternative to the pervasive Masonic archetypes see Sharp (2014).

See Also

The System | Archetypes

Agents of Consciousness



Mike Sosteric. The Triumph of Spirit Book Two: Old and New Energy Archetypes. Triumph of Spirit. St. Albert: Lightning Path Press, 2019.

Sharp, Michael (2017). The Triumph of Spirit: Healing and Activating with the Triumph of Spirit Archetypes. [1]

The Triumph of Spirit Website [2]