
Level of Urgency

An Avatar.Global Resource

The Level of Urgency (LOE) is the relative level of anxiety and arousal of the Physical Unit. LOE is an indication of the level of emotional, psychological, spiritual, or physical crises in an individual's life. There are four basic "levels" of urgency, Low, Medium, High, and Critical. Critical levels of urgency indicate the possibility of immediate self harm. High levels of urgency indicate dangerous levels of crises, and the possibility of short term breakdown of the body's energy systems. Medium levels of urgency indicate moderate levels of crises, and the likelihood of developing health problems. Lower levels of urgency indicate "ignorable" levels of crises, and the possibility of long term breakdown of the body's energy system.

Critical and high LOE demand strong and efficient intervention. Successful intervention requires significant emotional and psychological resources delivered by competent therapists/empaths in a sophisticated and supporting "emergency" environment. Moderate and low levels of urgency can be handle with a less intensive process and with fewer resources.

Measuring LOE

LOE can be measured psychologically and physiologically.

Caution. This article/definition is in draft form and at this time may constitute no more than rough notes, reminders for required content, or absolutely nothing at all. Content is subject to revision.