The Call

From The SpiritWiki
Revision as of 15:23, 1 February 2017 by Mike Sosteric (talk | contribs)

The Call is a metaphorical phrase used to refer to the internal or external call to Awaken. The Call is the call to remove The Blindfold, shuck off the Darkness, and return to full Connection and full Consciousness.


The call is visually represented in the Halo/Sharp tarot card The Calling

The call may be initiated internally, by the Resident Monadic Consciousness. The call may also be given from an external source, as for example this SpiritWiki entry.

The Body (or more specifically The Physical Unit may, out of guilt, shame, fear, and confusion, resist The Call and prevent awakening. In order to eliminate psychological resistance to awakening we must help clear confusion, we must transmute fear by putting aside desires for Punitive Justice, and we must forgive so that guilt and shame may be dispelled and Consciousness may flow into the body.

Further Reading

Sharp, Michael (GA). The Great Awakening: Concepts and Techniques for Successful Spiritual Practice.
