
From The SpiritWiki

The importance of connection -> connection saves the planet

Stanislav Grof "I have ... no doubts that a profound transformation of consciousness is possible in individuals and that it would increase our chances for survival if it would occur on a sufficiently large scale...The practical question is, whether such a chance can be facilitated and by what the human personality there exist mechanisms that could mediate a profound and desirable transformation (Lazslo, Groff, Russell, 1999: 4).

Peter Russell "The global crises we are facing is, at its root, a crises of consciousness, and if we are going to save the world then we need to be doing more than just saving the rainforests, curbing pollution, reducing carbon emissions and stopping the destruction of the ozone layer: We also have to free ourselves from the egocentric materialistic mode of consciousness that is giving rise to these problems. Otherwise we are only tackling the symptoms of the problem, not the root cause; only patching over the deeper problem." (Lazslo, Groff, Russell, 1999: 22).

note, LP egocentric consciousness is Normal Consciousness. Normal Consciousness is disconnected consciousness. Normal Consciousness is not "normal" but in fact that pathological consequence of Toxic Socialization. The CQ of humanity is reduced as a consequence of toxic socialization.MichaelSharp (talk) 20:24, 25 November 2018 (UTC)

The Cloud of Unknowing is a Connection Manual


Colossians 2 presents a metaphor where Christ is considered the "head" of things and tells how some "teachers/rule givers" have "lost connection with the head" (Colossians 2: 19).

In The Cloud of Unknowing we learn that connection can occur quickly, and be strong (Anonymous, 1981: p. 126)

Pierre de Bérulle

"What is man? An angel, an animal, a void, a world, a nothing surrounded by God, indigent of God, capable of God, filled with God, if it so desires." (PP) - note the implication of the importance of intent. Filled and connected with God/Consciousness, "if" one so desires.

Rudolf Steiner

Describes connection as the "fully conscious standing within the spiritual world." (CM)


George Fox