
From The SpiritWiki


Hi Michael, This entry needs reworking, I think. It is not presented with your usual clarity, I feel. I don't have anything specific to point out, It just did not feel clear as I read it. Gina (talk) 14:15, 15 June 2016 (UTC) Gina (talk) 14:15, 15 June 2016 (UTC)

OK I'll rework it next time I work on it. MichaelSharp (talk) 23:59, 16 June 2016 (UTC)

Purpose of Archetypes

General Purpose

The general purpose of archetypes is reality control.

Archetypes are ideas. They may be defined as the underlying puzzle pieces our belief system is ultimately based upon. They are the answers, where no further questions can (or may) be posed. Therefore, they are the premises we build our understanding of the world upon. They give the answers to the Big Questions. If defined in this way, archetypes automatically take a substantial role in our understanding of the world. Due to this circumstance, they are less prone to doubt. Consequently, the human carrying a certain set of archetypes will expect the world to function in the way his archetypes suggest the world works. In this way, archetypes shape reality. They do this by creating expectations. Expectations are the "steering wheel" of creation. They "shape the Energy set in motion by intent". Archetypes are a method used to facilitate and automate intent, thereby shaping reality. A system of archetypes can therefore be viewed as a device for reality manifestation.

Intentional Purpose

Two main intents may be found in the archetypal fabric of our world. They go by the name of "Old World" and "New World" archetypes.

The old world archetypes are intent on spiritual enslavement. This automatically leads to the necessity of emotional, intellectual and ultimately physical depravity, which is a "natural" long term consequence of disconnection from spirit.

New world archetypes aim for spiritual emancipation. Hence, they aim for - if possible global - reconnection with the fabric of consciousness.

Archetypes vs Ideas

state more precise description of what an archetype is.

- range of archetype medium (humans)

- depth of indoctrination/ lack of doubt

- conscious and unconscious

- functional purpose

Archetypal Constellations

The Book of Triumph of Spirit series categorizes and describes the Archetypes. The main archetypal constellations (old world) are:

- The Fool in School

- Authority and Power

- Judgement and Punnishment

- Gender

- Temple Archetypes

Each Archetypal constellation is composed out of several smaller archetypes. In the Book of Triumph of Spirit series these archetypes are identified and transformed into archetypes which are in Allignment with spirit.

List of Archetypes and their LP Counterpart:


Mechanics of Archetypes

[ultra-draft-form] All ideas, including (especially) archetypes, shape reality. A tentative explanation follows. The Metaphor of the Lamp. Heisenbergs Uncertainty relation. Particle-Wave-Dualism. Collaps of the wave function.

Potential is existent. Human shapes reality literally and non literally. Literally by archetypes. Non literally with hands and feet. Magic merges with determination.--Aim (talk) 14:42, 16 June 2017 (UTC)