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[[category:lightningpath]][[Is a related term::Creation Template| ]][[Is a related term::Ideological Institution| ]][[Is a related term::Mode of Exploitation| ]]
[[category:lightningpath]][[Is a related term::Creation Template| ]][[Is a related term::Ideological Institution| ]][[Is a related term::Mode of Exploitation| ]][[Is a related term::Symbol Factory| ]]

Revision as of 13:43, 23 October 2020

A Symbol Factory is an Ideological Institution[1] specifically tasked with creating and distributing Archetypes and Creation Templates[2]

Related Terms

Symbol Factory > Colonization, Maya


In the distant past, organized religions typically operated as society’s primary symbol factories. Nowadays, the publishing industry, the music industry, and the film and entertainment industry all operate as symbol factories, reproducing and distributing archetypes.[3]

A symbol factory can produce Old Energy Archetypes, New Energy Archetypes, or a combination of the two.

Lightning Path Workbook Four contains a discussion of archetypes and symbol factories.

See "A Short Sociology of Archetypes" for a more advanced discussion of symbol factories.[4]


  1. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00244565.
  2. Sosteric, Mike. Lightning Path Workbook Four - Flow Control with the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System. Vol. 4. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2020. https://press.lightningpath.org/product/the-lightning-path-book-four-archetypal-study/
  3. Sosteric, Mike. Lightning Path Workbook Four - Flow Control with the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System. Vol. 4. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2020. https://press.lightningpath.org/product/the-lightning-path-book-four-archetypal-study/
  4. Sosteric, Mike. “A Short Sociology of Archetypes,” https://www.academia.edu/43008763/A_Short_Sociology_of_Archetypes.