Ladder of Creation

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The Ladder of Creation

The Ladder of Creation refers to physical creation. The Ladder is created as matter emanates/descends from Consciousness.


Note, each step down The Ladder represents a simplification. That is, as each step down the ladder is taken, fewer resonating possibilities exist. This simplification makes the direction and control of physical matter easier for Immortal Spirit.

The ladder of creation is rooted in the existence of vibration (i.e. strings) caused by consciousness. The Ladder of Creation, which is the physical universe emerges, out of non-physical consciousness. The ability of physical reality to exist over a non-physical universe is the result of the Resonating Interaction of Consciousness. This is fully explained in volume three of The Book of Light.

The ladder of creation refers to the sequential formation of particles (i.e. quarks, protons, atoms, etc.) that occurs through the process of resonating interaction. The ladder is initiated shortly after the Big Bang when Strings begin to resonate and cohere, thereby generating higher order quarks and leptons. Moves up the ladder of creation continue as the universe cools and quarks and other fundamental particles lose sufficient energy to be able to resonate and cohere to form additional higher order particles like protons and neutrons, atoms, molecules, and finally biological life.

Further Reading



See Also