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(Genuine Self Esteem, dependent self esteem, lack of self esteem)
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Revision as of 14:04, 7 December 2018

It is possibly usefull to discern between three states of the Self Esteem.

- Genuine Self Esteem

- Dependent self esteem

- Lack of Self Esteem and self esteem.

In LP terms, Self Esteem implies what is here termed Genuine Self Esteem; self esteem (with lower cases) would imply dependent self esteem.


A Lack of Self Esteem and self esteem, forces the PU to acquire at least self esteem. It is of vital importance for the body, and many an atrocity has been commited in its pursuit.

Genuine Self Esteem is characterized by its utter lack of any sort of dependency. It just comes from within, without any necessity to have "achieved" anything in order to have it. It is just there. Note that while it is true that nothing needs to be done in order to have Genuine Self Esteem, a heck of alot can be done in order to make it go away. For instance by making yourself believe you are an unworthy little worm, a sinnfull, fallen angel ready to be punished at the slightest "mistake", an idiot of cosmic proportions etc.

Dependent self esteem is - as its name states - dependent on external, or internal factors. Am I smart? Am I beautiful? Am I rich? Do I have a nice car, a hot spouse, at least a nice character!? Well, since I have them, it is "ok" to feel good. Hence, the PU allows itself to feel good about itself depending on whether or not it has acquired traits/things that are highly regarded in society, or itself regards highly. Note that this feeling is quite fleeting, and will dissipate shortly after its attainment. Thereby, the PU is forced to repeat whatever it did in order to feel the good feeling. If it is acquiring money, there you have it, the individual will strive for more. If it is acquiring beauty, there you have it, the individual will go buy more stuff to beautify themselves even more. And woe if there is a little "flaw" on the face!

On a sidenote, this author (me) has formulated a paper which correlates the Lack of Genuine Self Esteem with the creation and proliferation of Capitalism. Capitalism wouldn't be possible to this extent, without the lack of Genuine Self Esteem, and the existence of massive amounts of dependent self esteem. Having a population that possesses merely dependent self esteem, makes them utterly easy to manipulate into buying lots of things, which is the literal emergence of consumerism. A person with genuine Self Esteem is not a consumer, for it has no reason to do so. Only a person with dependent self esteem is interested in consuming, in order to fix its lack of genuine Self Esteem temporarily. --Aim (talk) 14:04, 7 December 2018 (UTC)