The SpiritWiki:Community Portal

From The SpiritWiki

MichaelSharp 11:38, 21 September 2007 (MST) -- put in four ~'s in a row, and it will sign your posts like that. Benjaminpritchard 06:00, 21 September 2007 (MST)


yes I do. how do you sign your name to get the user link?

-- we will use this page to discuss the "goings on" in this wiki.


i found good public domain version of chakra images to use in the series i am going to get started on soon. check these out:

File:100px-Chakra01.gif File:100px-Chakra02.gif File:100px-Chakra03.gif File:100px-Chakra04.gif File:100px-Chakra05.gif File:100px-Chakra06.gif File:100px-Chakra07.gif

they are public domain contributed to wikipedia, and i am working on getting them uploaded and the meta data setup for them.

do you like them??

we are going to be able to pull ALOT of good stuff from wikipedia to help us move forward.


i am also following the development of an add-in to Microsoft word that i read about on a guy at microsoft's blog that allows you to export a word document to wiki format. michael - is this something you would be interested in??

Benjaminpritchard 20:36, 20 September 2007 (MST)