Probabilistic Prophecy

Probabilistic Prophecy is a prediction made concerning the timing of Ascension. Probabilistic prophecy is a best guest, odds based, assessment of possible futures (BOLIFE).

Probabilistic prophecy may be distinguished from Visionary Prophecy.

See Also


There is nothing odd about probabilistic prophecy. Doctors do it all the time when they tell you to eat better and exercise of face illness in your fifties and sixties. They can’t say for sure but they know, based on past experience, that certain outcomes are highly likely.

Probabilistic prophecy a challenge because there are simply too many rapidly changing factors, both past and present, to be able to pin things down with a hundred percent certainty. It is like trying to predict the path of a water droplet as it tumbles over a fall. You know where it starts out, you know where it ends up, and you may even have a rough idea of where it is in the stream, but everything that happens in between is the chaotic result of turbulent/evolving conditions. You can make an educated guess, or you can assess roughly where the water drop might hit when it finally reaches the bottom, but given how complex and chaotic the conditions are, not even God really knows for sure exactly when and where. Seeing a droplet of water tumble over a fall all you can say for certain is that, if it doesn’t evaporate on the way down, it will eventually reach the ground. not only that, rong, my probabilities could be off, my assumptions could be skewed, etc.

Further Reading