Flower Child

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A Flower Child (also known as a Hippy) is an circa 1960 manifestation of the Crystal Child. A Flower Child exploited Entheogens (i.e. they smoked pot, did mushrooms and LSD) in order to wake themselves up. During the process of awakening they recognized The System, emancipated their mind, embraced higher Consciousness, and came to take hard political stands (of the type that Jesus would have approved of) that advocated global transformation through passive resistance, sharing of Truth and Compassion, and free distribution of Love.

Flower children, though almost universally disparaged these days, successfully ended the Asian Conflicts by forcing a termination of hostilities in the Vietnam war. Though most of their contributions have since been turned back, flower children had major cultural, political, and artistic impact on the United States.

Flower Children were anti-establishment and anti-status-quo. Flower children proved themselves a definite threat to The System and thus had to be de-legitimated and ultimately destroyed. The Flower Child was destroyed through a process of public shaming, ridicule, and violence. Today flower children of the sixties are characterized as sentimental, apolitical, "hippy dippies" who are weak of mind, effeminate of character, stupid, and dirty.

Interestingly there is a modern manifestation of the "flower child" phenomenon that comes in the form of "ravers" and raves. Ravers today however appear to bear no real resemblance to the empowered, engaged, politically active, and authentically transformative "hippies" of the past. Ravers are, by their own admission, self-involved, hedonistic, disempowered pleasure seekers whose only concern is embracing the dis-illusion of a utopia, which they tell themselves can never exist. The "Ravers Manifesto" presents ravers as little more than castrated Flower Children, spouting off about the "Massive," but seen dutifully climbing on the "hamster wheel" after the drug induced bliss wears off.

Ravers use a more modern synthetic entheogen called MDMA (popular name ecstasy). MDMA has mild entheogenic properties, but appears to function primarily as a form of emphathogen that delivers, as all addictive and (potentially) stupefying substances will do, bursts of the pleasure chemical Serotonin. Interestingly, like all addictive substances, experiments have shown that animals will self-administer MDMA.

Further Reading

Wikipedia Entry on the Flower Child

Kent State Shootings

All about MDMA

All about LSD

Age of Acquarius by the Fifth Dimension