Talk:What is My Purpose
What is my purpose YouTube Script
What is your purpose in life? It's a great question. And at various points in your life, we all ask it of ourselves. We ask when we're children. We ask more as adolescents and young adults. And if we don't find a satisfying answer, we ask even into old age. We are all the same in this regard. We're always looking to find out the reason. We always want to find the right answer. But what is the right answer? Well, if you ask us, we'll tell you that your purpose is to make life easier, interesting, and more fun. Not only for yourself, but for everybody within your orbit. However big or small that orbit might be. That's the only reason you're here. You're not here to fight some big cosmic battle between good and evil.
You're not here to learn lessons in some cosmic school. You're not here to pay off karmic debt. You are here to make life a better experience for everything and everybody, including yourself. You're here to create and then enter a beautiful garden paradise. You will be happy and content if you are in alignment with this purpose. and at some level you'll be miserable, depressed, and in despair.
If you are not. Now understand, we're not saying you have to believe this answer. You're free to believe whatever you want. If you want to believe you're here to fight some war, or that you're being punished for past sins, do so. We're just saying, if you ask us, this is what we would say. We believe the plant is a beautiful garden world.
We believe our purpose is to make it a better place for everything and everybody, and not just some chosen few. We believe we are all here to have fun in a garden playground that we all help to build.
Of course, right now we, the people of this planet, are not having much fun right now. Our world is dominated by profiteers.
Our playground is looking like crap. And there's a lot of misery, sickness, violence and hate going around. It seems pretty hopeless and impossible to fix. But it's not theoretically. It's quite easy. We have the capability, both as individuals and as a global society, from technology to money to administrative capacity. We've got everything we need. If every soul on the planet just stopped what they're doing right now and started doing only those things that make life better for themselves and for others, we could fix it pretty quick.
If we all got down to it a decade or two is all it would take. The hard part, at least in the beginning, is seeing the world as it truly is. Doing the right things and making the right choices. But you can do it. You can make the right choices. You can do the right things. And you can start right away.
Start with little things and little changes. Don't exploit your workers. Don't harm your spouse. Don't yell at your kids. Don't steal from the poor. You make little changes. And as improvements, lock in, make bigger changes. Quit working in jobs that harm or manipulate others. Quit participating in activities that cause harm to the environment or that hurt other living beings.
Changing these ways of behaving will be a challenge at first, but as little improvements turn into big changes, it will get easier over time to stick with it. Persistence is key. It'll help you stay focused. If you remember this fundamental existential truth deep inside, making life better for everything and everyone is what you were born to do. You will be happy if you get down to it, but increasingly miserable and depressed if you do not.
It really is that simple. Until next time. My name is Lisa. Welcome home.