Technologies of the Sacred

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Technologies of the Sacred is a term used by Stanislav Grof[1] to describe what, in LP Nomenclature, would be more systematically referred to as Connection Practices, Connection Appliances, and Connection Supplements, all of which facilitate stronger Connection to Consciousness/Highest Self, or as Grof suggests, experiences of the "sacred."

Syncretic Terms

Connection Practice > Contemplative Practice, Mysticism, Spiritual Exercises, Technologies of the Sacred

Elements of Connection Practice

Connection Practice >


Stanislav Grof wrote three important articles on the topic.

  1. "Technologies of the Sacred - Part One.” The International Journal of Humanities and Peace 14, no. 1 (1998): 64–69.
  2. “Technologies of the Sacred Part Two.” The International Journal of Humanities and Peace 15, no. 1 (1999): 93–96.
  3. “Technologies of the Sacred, Part Three.” The International Journal of Humanities and Peace 19, no. 1 (2003): 104.


  1. Grof, Stanislav. "Technologies of the Sacred Part Two." The International Journal of Humanities and Peace 15 1 (1999): 93-96, 16.