Talk:Grounded Consciousness

"The question of “grounding” is (to a large extent) separate from the question of Consciousness Quotient. An RMC may be well grounded, but the physical unit may still have a relatively low CQ."

Conversely, it may also happen that a Physical Unit temporarily (or even though some longer periods) acquires a high CQ without being able to ground it.

Several factors are involved in the process of grounding.

For one, The Environment. We might interpret here the external environment with this.

Furthermore, "internal environment" is relevant, too. With other words, the conditioning of the PU. If internal contradictions become apparent after the CQ is being raised, perhaps because prior to the heightening of the CQ, ARMs were sufficiently potent to make-up that little contradiction away, suddenly the PU is unable to ground, because it is occupied with sorting out the inner conflicts. Guilt and shame may appear, and the PU will be compelled to solve those issues first.

Generally spoken, grounding can only happen when the PU is at relative ease. If the PU is overwhelmed by information, sensations or emotions, there is no way it is capable to simultaneously ground as well. Grounding is the process of "habitualizing" a certain state. Grounding Consciousness thus may be interpreted as the process of making sure that the CQ of a given PU always remains high.

Grounding = Habitualizing.

Grounding = Template -izing -> We apply a given template until reality manifests according to it.

Grounding = Connection -> to everything around you

Grounding = rooting. Related to find your place. Find your purpose. Grounding cannot happen without achieving, at least to a small extent, what your purpose is.

--Aim (talk) 11:07, 25 January 2019 (UTC)