Monolog of Impotence

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Revision as of 19:32, 13 March 2020 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Caution. This article/definition is in draft form and at this time may constitute no more than rough notes, reminders for required content, or absolutely nothing at all. Content is subject to revision.

The Monolog of Impotence is a term used describe the "self-hate filled" internal dialog that a Physical Unit damaged by [Toxic Socialization]] engages in. It goes something like this...

"I can't do this..."

"I can't do that..."

"I'm such a fuck up..."

"I'm such a loser...]

"I'm a hopeless reject..."

"I'm a violent ape..."

"I'm a useless sinner ..."

"I'm cosmic waste."

Ending the Monolog of Impotence is one of the first steps a Physical Unit must take towards Healing the damage done.
