Conscientização, or Critical Consciousness, is a concept developed by Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970). It refers to the deep process of awakening to social, political, and economic oppression and developing the ability to critically analyze and challenge the structures that maintain it.
Freire describes Conscientização as a form of liberatory education, where learners transition from passive acceptance of reality (semi-intransitive consciousness) to critical engagement with the world (fully transitive consciousness). Unlike Banking Education, which conditions students for obedience and compliance, education rooted in Conscientização empowers individuals to question power structures, recognize systemic injustice, and take action to transform society.
Freire's Terms
Paulo Freire > Banking Model, Conscientização, Culture of Silence, Dehumanization, Dialogic Method, Praxis, Problem-Posing Education
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