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<blockquote style="color:#008b9c";>I have come to "set in motion a machinery which will bring noble ideas to the door of everybody, and then let men and women settle their own fate. Let them know what our forefathers as well as other nations have thought on the most momentous questions of life. Let them see specially what others are doing now, and then decide. We are to put the chemicals together, the crystallization will be done by nature according to her laws. Work hard, be steady, and have faith in the Lord. Set to work, I am coming sooner or later. Keep the motto before you — "Elevation of the masses without injuring their religion.<ref>Vivekananda, Swami. Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda. Vol. 5. 9 vols. Advaita Ashrama, 2016. https://www.holybooks.com/complete-works-of-swami-vivekananda/.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote> Since writing the book, I have been gradually led to believe that the old stories must be taken literally if at all possible, that deep secrets and a deeper awareness of the complexity of our universe was experienced by our ancestors , and that something of their belief, and experiences can be ours once again. '''Vine Deloria''' - God is Red.</blockquote>
<blockquote style="color:#008b9c";>
How do you know it is truth, and not an error of your own? We know truth when we see it, from opinion, as we know when we are awake that we are awake. Ralph Waldo Emerson. <ref>Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “The Over-Soul.” In ''The Complete Essays and Other Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson''. New York: Modern Library, 1950. p. 268.</ref></blockquote>


The SpiritWiki is an online research and educational tool designed to bring scholars, their ideas, and the people, together, with a purpose.
The SpiritWiki is the canonical core and empirical foundation of the [[Lightning Path]]. The SpiritWiki provides canonical definitions, conceptual interlinks, and scholarly citations to ground it all out.   
The SpiritWiki is an evolving resource. It is currently organized roughly into three major sections corresponding to the [https://www.lightningpath.org/research/ research priorities] of the Lightning Path. These include a psychological concern with [[Human Development]], a sociological concern with the [[Accumulating Class]], their [[Regime of Accumulation]], and the institutions that make it up, and a spiritual concern with understanding the true nature of our human existence on this planet (hint, it's not to slave away in factories and cubicles). See the [[Psychological Theory]], [[Sociological Theory]], and [[Spiritual Theory]] subheadings of this site.
* The goal of [[Human Development]] and human evolution is to create and develop a [[Physical Unit]] capable of strong and persistent [[Connection]].
* In order to develop a healthy [[Physical Unit]], all [[Seven Essential Needs]] must be met throughout the lifespan.<Ref>See my paper on ''Eupsychian Theory''', Mike Sosteric and Gina Ratkovic, “Eupsychian Theory: Reclaiming Maslow and Rejecting The Pyramid The Seven Essential Needs,” PsyArXiv Preprints, 2020, https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fswk9.</ref>
* Meeting essential needs creates a strong and independent [[Bodily Ego]] capable of resisting oppression and capable of handling the powerful [[Spiritual Ego]].
* When essential needs are met, the individual bodily ego enters [[Growth Mode]].
* When needs go unmet, the [[Bodily Ego]] enters [[Deficit Mode]] or [[Defense Mode]].
* While in [[Deficit Mode]], the body directs energy towards meeting unmet needs.
* While in [[Defense Mode]], the bodily ego directs energy towards defending the body from assault. Note, these modes are not mutually exclusive. One can grow at the same time one seeks to meet needs, or defends from assault. 
* A [[Physical Unit]] operating in [[Deficit Mode]] or [[Defense Mode]] is easy to manipulate and control. Being as that the primary motivation of an individual in deficit mode is to meet unmet needs, any individual or organization that promises the satisfaction of an essential need may gain control over an individual. For example, religious institutions promise satisfaction of our need for [[Connection]]. Marketers attach the satisfaction of needs to product purchase (i.e., you'll fit in if you buy the right products). Note that individuals and institutions do not necessarily have to meet an essential need to get control over individuals. Often the promise is sufficient. This is especially true when the promise is coupled with various forms of diversion and justification,
* When all needs are met, the individual is harder to control and the [[Bodily Ego]] enters [[Growth Mode]] and directs energy towards growth of the [[Physical Unit]] (i.e. growth of mind and body).
* Healthy human development is precluded by the predatorial Capitalist [[Regime of Accumulation]] currently dominant on the world stage. Capitalism encourages and supports a [[Toxic Socialization]] process that subverts healthy environment and full needs satisfaction of needs. This is done intentionally in order to subvert [[Connection]] and place the individual into [[Deficit]] and [[Defense]] mode where they are much easier to manipulate and control.
* Connection requires a healthy [[Bodily Ego]]. Humans are born with a healthy (but undeveloped) bodily ego, but, as a consequence of [[Toxic Socialization]], the bodily ego becomes damaged, defensive, and diminished.
* A damaged, defensive, and diminished bodily ego cannot handle [[The Flow]] of [[Consciousness]] that occurs during connection.  Consequently, a damaged bodily ego will [[Disconnection|disconnect]] from its own [[Spiritual Ego]] in order to preserve its ability to function and navigate reality.
* A damaged [[Bodily Ego]], an unhealthy [[ego]], is an ego with a damaged sense of self, damaged perspective, corrupted will, and distorted imagination (see the LP definition of [[Ego]]). A damage bodily ego is susceptible to various [[Connection Pathology|Connection Pathologies]], including complete [[Egoic Collapse]]
* Since the bodily ego may be damaged by [[Toxic Socialization]] (see below), in order to achieve strong and persistent connection, healing is often required. The LP offers an [[LP HEALING Framework]] that provides a framework for guiding the healing process. 
* Note that [[Connection Experiences]] often facilitate the healing process. <ref>Bidney, Martin. “Epiphany in Autobiography: The Quantum Changes of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.” Journal of Clinical Psychology 60, no. 5 (May 2004): 471–80.</ref> <ref>Miller, William R, and Janet C’de Baca. Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives. New York: The Guildford Press, 2001. https://amzn.to/2D1gYZo.</ref> <ref>Bien, Thomas H. “Quantum Change and Psychotherapy.” Journal of Clinical Psychology, no. 5 (2004): 493.</ref> Therapeutically, one should be encouraging connection at the same time one is working on healing.
<blockquote>Let's face it, these hidden laws [of mysticism] are hidden, but they are only hidden by [your] own ignorance. And the word mystical is just arrived at through people's ignorance. There's nothing mystical about it, only that you're ignorant of what that entails" ― <b>George Harrison</b></blockquote>
Connection is the main topic of this SpiritWiki. Connection refers to the phenomenon of [[Connection]] between the [[Spiritual Ego]] and [[Bodily Ego]], sometimes called mystical experience, peak experience, transcendence, depending on the strength of the connection. Connection may be continuous or discrete. A discrete connection is a short term [[Connection Experience]] that can be measured along five [[Connection Axes]].
A [[Connection Experience]] may be a positive [[Zenith Experience]] or a negative [[Nadir Experience]]. A [[Connection Experience]] may lead to many positive and some negative [[Connection Outcomes]]. Sometimes, when the [[Bodily Ego]] is heavily damaged, [[Connection Experience]] can lead to [[Connection Pathology]] and even [[Connection Catastrophe]].
Connection is a common and ubiquitous human experience<ref>Sosteric, Mike. “Everybody Has a Connection Experience: Prevalence, Confusions, Interference, and Redefinition.” Spirituality Studies 4, no. 2 (2018). https://www.spirituality-studies.org/dp-volume4-issue2-fall2018/files/assets/common/downloads/files/4-2-sosteric.pdf.</ref> that happens to everybody at least once in their lives, but that some people actually pursue, through various forms of [[Connection Practice]], using various types of [[Connection Techniques]] and [Connection Appliances]], and often using powerful [[Connection Supplements]].
Scientists and scholars are aware of the existence and significance of [[Connectin Experience|Connection Experience]]. They take one of three basic [[Theoretical Approaches to Connection]] to [[Connection Experience]], reductionist, adaptive, or transformative. The LP, this SpiritWiki, takes an adaptive/transformative approach. 
Connection is an ongoing human concern. Through the centuries many [[Connection Manual]]s have been written, from various cultural, scientific, and religious perspectives. Connection manuals are designed to help guide and facilitate the expanded [[The Flow|Flow of Consciousness]] that occurs during connection, and to help individuals overcome [[Connection Obstacles]]. Connection manuals are often a part of various [[Connection Framework]]s. 
Connection is a challenge. High levels of Consciousness in the body tax the mind and body in the best of situations. When there is damage to the bodily ego, connection can be even more difficult. When the bodily ego is damaged, connection may lead to [[Connection Pathology]] or even [[Connection Psychosis]].
Achieving persistent and consistent connection is the goal of human development.
Under ideal circumstances, achieving consistent connection requires extensive [[Connection Practice]]
Under the less-then-ideal conditions of planet Earth, achieving persistent and consistent connection requires healing from the trauma of [[Toxic Socialization]].
Section on the etiology and pathology of [[Disconnection]].
==The System==
* The Phrase ''The System'' refers to the dominant socio-political-economic system of human society.
* Systems may either be organized around the accumulation ([[Regime of Accumulation]]) or distribution ([[Regime of Distribution]]) of society's productive output.
* Currently, The System is a system of accumulation, Capitalism. Capitalism is organized around the accumulation of abstracted labour(for a quick introduction to The System, watch the [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS_OGW0T24g2E3FmGd545fUuqb1FsseBm"What is Money?"] video series or read [https://www.amazon.ca/Rocket-Scientists-Guide-Money-Economy/dp/1897455119/ Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy].
* Any [[Regime of Accumulation]] contains a [[Mode of Exploitation]]<ref>Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00244565.</ref> and a [[Mode of Production]].
* As per Ruyle,<ref>Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00244565.</ref> a [[Regime of Accumulation]] consists of [[Exploitative Techniques]], [[Mechanisms of Force]], and [[Ideological Institutions]].
* In order to shape human beings into compliant management and worker bees, [[Ideological Institutions]] (a.k.a. [[Symbol Factories]]) intentionally develop and deploy a system of [[Toxic Socialisation]] designed to undermine, to one degree or another, human potential. Why? Because Capitalism can only function when individuals are diminished and cut off. You simply cannot get a fully activated, fully connected human being to work long hours for low pay in tedious, exploitative jobs. To be clear, in order to ensure a labour supply, Capitalism intentionally damages human beings.
==Toxic Socialization==
* [[Toxic Socialization]] is a socialization process that undermines human potential and disables the body's ability to connect.
*Toxic socialization is consciously designed to undermine human potential and amputate/subvert human's natural ability to heal and connect.
*Toxic socialization is implemented in order to ensure a steady supply of labour suitable for the factories, cubicles, and board rooms of [[The System]].
*Toxic socialization is implemented by [[System Agents]].
*Toxic Socialization is characterized by '''violence''', '''neglect''', '''chaos''', and '''indoctrination''', all of which damage and diminish the [[Physical Unit]] and make it difficult to heal and connect.
Coming soon, a more focussed examination of [[Ideological Institutions]] and how they operated. Includes an analysis of [[Archetypes]] and [[Creation Templates]], their origin in ancient Zoroastrian elite theology<ref>Mike Sosteric, “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Unpublished, https://www.academia.edu/34504691.</ref> examination of the [[Masonic Tarot]] as a creation template,<ref>Mike Sosteric, “A Sociology of Tarot,” Canadian Journal of Sociology 39, no. 3 (2014), https://www.academia.edu/25055505/.</ref> provision of the [[TOSAS]] as an alternative/
The origins, nature and structure of consciousness.
==Additional Exploration==
[[Authentic Spirituality]] - Guidelines for assessing the authentic and inauthentic elements in religious/spiritual traditions.
[[Consciousness Quotient]] - Theoretical measure of the amount of [[Consciousness]] in the body.

Find out more about the who, why, and what of the SpiritWiki by checking out the Spiritwiki [https://spiritwiki.lightningpath.org/index.php/The_SpiritWiki:About About]page.

<blockquote>Surely there is very real and convincing data that the planet cannot survive the excesses of the human race. Proliferation of atomic devices, uncontrolled breeding habits, pollution of land, sea, and air, the rape of the environment. In this context, isn’t it obvious that Chicken Little represents the sane vision? And that Homo sapiens’ motto, “Let’s go shopping,” is the cry of the lunatic. '''Twelve Monkeys'''</blockquote>{{template:endstuff}}
Find out more about by watching our "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RChgho_j6k What is the Lightning Path]" video, or by visiting our main page (https://www.lightningpath.org).  

Surely there is very real and convincing data that the planet cannot survive the excesses of the human race. Proliferation of atomic devices, uncontrolled breeding habits, pollution of land, sea, and air, the rape of the environment. In this context, isn’t it obvious that Chicken Little represents the sane vision? And that Homo sapiens’ motto, “Let’s go shopping,” is the cry of the lunatic. Twelve Monkeys

Latest revision as of 12:30, 9 July 2024

Since writing the book, I have been gradually led to believe that the old stories must be taken literally if at all possible, that deep secrets and a deeper awareness of the complexity of our universe was experienced by our ancestors , and that something of their belief, and experiences can be ours once again. Vine Deloria - God is Red.


The SpiritWiki is the canonical core and empirical foundation of the Lightning Path. The SpiritWiki provides canonical definitions, conceptual interlinks, and scholarly citations to ground it all out.

Find out more about the who, why, and what of the SpiritWiki by checking out the Spiritwiki Aboutpage.

Find out more about by watching our "What is the Lightning Path" video, or by visiting our main page (https://www.lightningpath.org).