
From The SpiritWiki
Revision as of 15:15, 5 August 2017 by Mike Sosteric (talk | contribs)

A Prophet is an individual who makes a Connection to Consciousness (i.e. talks to "God") and who, through that connection, "reveals" aspects of The Plan to an otherwise disconnected population.


Prophets may bring back statements regarding creative conditions and the timing of Ascension.

Prophets may introduce "adjustments" to a planet's Creation Template.

[Zoroaster]], Jesus Christ, and Muhammad were all prophets..

Any individual may issue statements regarding the End-Times and thus any individual may claim to be a prophet. A true prophet is simply someone who makes authoritative claims that are backed up by authentic Connection to the Fabric. A false prophet is one who makes random claims without Connection, usually by referencing the words of another prophet, and for reasons of personal aggrandizement and enrichment.

Further Reading


Wikipedia entry