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Connection occurs when your Bodily Ego unites, even if only briefly, with your own Spiritual Ego, or some other monadic location within the Fabric of Consciousness.


Connections may be characterized along five axis, these being quality, intensity duration, content (Sosteric, MCD), and outcomes.

Connection may be facilitated with Connection Supplements (where legal in your area), as well as calming techniques such as mindfullness and meditation. The opposite of Connection is Disconnection.

Think of connection in internet terms. Like your computer/device connects to a website 'server, so your little self connects to your Self, Highest Self, or some other monadic location in [The Fabric of Consciousness]]. Make sure you have the right "web" address before you connect.

Connection with The Fabric (i.e. Consciousness) is the ostensible and overt goal of Authentic Spirituality.

The ability to connect with Consciousness is a natural ability of the Physical Unt. It is facilitated via proper Development of the Physical Unit, or when the physical unit is damaged, via the use of Connection Supplements designed to overcome the psychological and emotional damage of Toxic Socialization.

Connection supplements enable controlled and metered reconnection.

Proper development of the physical unit includes a socialization process that teaches, encourages, and facilitates Right Action, Right Thought, and Right Environment.

Connection is thwarted by Wrong Thought, Wrong Action, and Wrong Environment, all of which lead to Disjuncture, Disconnection, and Disconnectin Pathology.

The mechanics of Connection may be visually represented with the Water Glass Metaphor.

A draft exploration of the neurological correlates of connection experiences is provided in Sosteric (S0A).

Mystical practice/Authentic Spirituality is the personal/collective pursuit of connection.

Colossians 2 presents a metaphor where Christ is considered the "head" of things and tells how some "teachers/rule givers" have "lost connection with the head" (Colossians 2: 19).

Syncretic Terms

Connection, Rebirth, being Born Again, gaining entrance into The Garden, entrance into The Kingdom of God or entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, attainment of Christ Consciousness, Resurrection of Consciousness, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Descent of Consciousness, entry into the Holy of Holies, experience of the Numinosom (Jung, 1938: 6).

Further Reading

Sosteric, Mike. (RSGAS). The Rocket Scientists' Guide to Authentic Spirituality. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press. [1]

Lightning Path Workbook One: The Basics. Lightning Path Press.

Lightning Path Workbook Three: Connection. Lightning Path Press.

Sosteric, Mike (SOA1). The Science of Ascension: Mysticism, Consciousness, Connection. Unpublished Manuscript.

Sosteric, Mike (2016). Mysticism, Consciousness, Death. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research.

Sosteric, Mike (2017). The Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press. [2]


Sosteric, Mike (SOA1). The Science of Ascension: Mysticism, Consciousness, Connection. Unpublished Manuscript.

Underhill, Evelyn. Practical Mysticism. Digireads, 2010. Print.

Hermanns, William (1930). Einstein and the Poet Brookline Village, MA: Branden.