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Mysticism is a common, popular termed used to refer both to the experience of "mystical" Connection, and to a general area of human inquiry and activity concerned with understanding and, sometimes, inducing the Connection Experience.


Troelsch's conception of mysticism refers directly, explicitly, and obviously, to mysticism and Connection. "What Troeltsch has in mind is an orientation of spiritual life in the history of Christianity which aims primarily at a "personal living piety and at an Interior life' which has a direct experience of salvation." [1]. Salvation here may be understood as the experience of unity and oneness that one often experiences during a Connection Experience.


  1. Steeman, Theodore M. “Church, Sect, Mysticism, Denomination: Periodological Aspects of Troeltsch’s Types.” SA. Sociological Analysis 36, no. 3 (1975): 181–204.