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Ideology is a set of beliefs, ideas, norms, and values intentionally constructed in order to shape human behaviour for the purposes of political or economic exploitation. Ideology is a component of Toxic Socialization. Ideology makes is harder to Heal and Connect.[1]


An ideology is a set of beliefs and doctrines that an individual or group hold for "other than purely epistemic reasons."[2] Ideologies form the basis of a political, economic, or social systems.

Ideologies operate by providing excuses and justification that a) quell the doubt and assuage the guilt of the abusers/exploiters and b) encourage docility, compliance, and silent acceptance by the victims/exploited.

There are four broad categories of ideology in use on this planet. These are:

* Gender Ideology - Ideology that provides justification for gender based exploitation of women
* Race Ideology - Ideology that provides justification for racially based exploitation of humans.
* Social Class Ideology - Ideology that provides justification for socially based exploitation.
* Spiritual Ideology - Ideology that provides justification for spiritual exploitation.

Ideologies typically have both a "scientific" expression and a "religious" expression. The religious expression of gender ideology is present in stories and monologues that suggest, for example, that women are weak temptresses. The scientific expression of gender ideology is expressed in notions of genetically/naturally based differences, with men being considered stronger/more evolved, and women being seeing as weaker/less advanced.

Further Reading

Lightning Path Workbook Two: Healing. Lightning Path Press.



  1. Sosteric, Mike, and Gina Ratkovic. Lightning Path Workbook Two - Healing. Vol. 2. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2017.